A great guide if you’re interested in participating in photographic salons like FIAP, PSA RPS. Written by and posted on a blog by David Candlish. Here’s the Link.
International judged competitions are great for testing your metal against the photographers of the world.
Good luck and best wishes!
So I finally got my FIAP LifeCard the other day, a little over a year since I applied (and paid). While I was waiting, I entered a couple of Salons and managed 4 acceptances. So if you’re waiting on your card, go ahead and start entering. You may have to earn some distinction before they actually issue your card. That was a comment I had heard when receiving my card, in response to the length of time it took. It’s probably in line with the 1 year distinction application hold, ie “first FIAP recognized acceptance must have occurred at least 1 year ago”? Here’s the link to the Distinctions rules: https://www.fiap.net/docs_distinctions.php
Well, I’m a happy camper and looking forward to the FIAP journey, I hope you do to.