Image Caddy

Image Inventory Management Software

Image Caddy is what I call the database program that we made to keep track of our creations. Starting from spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel) we transferred our data to a database (Microsoft Access).

Using a spreadsheet was the logical first step for us, as we’ve used Microsoft Excel for various (non photography related projects). I won’t get into the the differences between spreadsheets and database here. But as things progressed and with different people entering data, it became less efficient and more confusing for us, hence the move to a database.So you may not need all the excel files available here.

If you use Microsoft Excel and need some help with formulas and macros, check out ExcelPunks. They’ve helped us a fair bit. Please note that we’ve come up with these files and process as a result of what we needed and have decided to share them. If you need any assistance we’ll try our best to help, but don’t expect too much as we learn as we go as well. As such we have to add this bit to our Terms and Conditions. Feel free to edit the files as you please, to fit your needs.

As time permits, we’ll be adding / updating files so please subscribe so you can receive an update when publish any changes.

Now on to the spreadsheets (Excel 2010 .xlsx format):

EmployeesMicrostock CategoriesPhoto Sales
ClientsAsset CategoriesAccounts Receivable
AffiliatesAssetsExpense Categories
Microstock ApprovedMicrostock PhotosExpenses
Microstock DeletedJournalism CategoriesPayment Methods
Microstock File NamesJournalism Products
Microstock RejectedPrint On Demand Images
Microstock SubmittedCompetition/Exhibition Images
Journalism Styles
Print On Demand Department
Print On Demand Items
Print On Demand Sizes
Print On Demand Styles
Print On Demand Subject
Print On Demand Submitted


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