My Fellowship Distinction portfolio passed. YAY!

So I got the letter today, my submitted portfolio passed and thus I earned the Fellowship Distinction from the Photographic Society of Singapore. Here’s their Facebook Page, if you wanted to check out there social medai page!

A big THANK YOU to PSS and my models!!! Couldn’t have done it without y’all.

Here’s the link to the PORTFOLIO .


My 2nd Exhibition

PSS Members Exhibition "All About Singapore"

PSS Members Exhibition “All About Singapore”

YAY! Attended my first exhibition tonight of which I had a photo, my second one in total. So yeah, felt happily nervous. So there I was, standing around like everyone else as the President of PSS starts the opening speech. As he was speaking, in mandarin, I was thinking about the experience and how cool it was (since I didn’t understand Mandarin) then he switches to english and calls me out, saying he recognizes me and commends me on my portfolio and invites me to speak. SHOCK. So in shock and disbelief, I declined. I didn’t even know what I should say seeing as I can’t even remember the settings I got the shot with.

PSS Members Exhibition "All About Singapore"

PSS Members Exhibition “All About Singapore”

I gotta say, the feelings of accomplishment was outstanding! I only wish I had my peeps to share it with…

Let’s all get out, shoot and submit more!


All acceptances will count for FIAP, PSA, GPU and for inclusion in PSA Star Rating and “Who’s Who”.

2nd International Salon of Print and Digital Art photography Varna is divided in 6 sections (3 print and 3 digital)


PRINTS : OPEN (monochrome) – FIAP (M), PSA PPD
PRINTS : NATURE (monochrome / color) – FIAP, PSA PND


DIGITAL : PHOTO TRAVEL (color / monochrome digital) – FIAP PI M & C, PSA PT
DIGITAL : ACTION / MOVEMENT / SPORT Everything that moves is in the center of interest. (color/mono digital)
DIGITAL : FACE AND BODY – Portrait and fine art nude photography (monochrome / color digital) – FIAP PI M & C, PSA PID
  • Accepted entries will be eligible for the following FIAP Honors – AFIAP, EFIAP, EFIAP/b, EFIAP/s, EFIAP/g, EFIAP/p, as well as RPS and GPU honours.
  • Acceptances shall be credited towards Star Ratings for the each division and Who’s Who Listings or the Galaxy/Diamond Ratings requirements as appropriate,credited toward the PSA Distinctions PPSA and EPSA.