More first world problems

Lenovo service partition destroyed. Got this after the windows 10 upgrade. Everything still works tho but I just have wasted (used) space now. Can’t figure out how to reclaim that space without wiping drive (I don’t have win 10 cd’s), oh well.



First world problems…

As I’m sitting here waiting/hoping that Sandisk RescuePro will work its magic on the first of my CF cards, I’ll relate to you this story…

Last night I shot the SEA Games 2015 WAG Individual All Around Finals with my new 7D2 and 5D2. Going through security, I got my water bottle, gorilla pod and nail clipper sized pocket knife confiscated They almost took my Thor’s Hammer keychain thing too. I got everything back when I left tho. No biggie. The event was awesome, I was getting shots that I never could have with my 7D. I was sooo excited to get home and upload. Here the crap hits the fan:

The first CF card, inaccessible. The second errors every few second. I tried 3 different card readers and straight from camera. I was getting so frustrated I smashed 1 card reader. Then something crashed on my computer and I had to restore. While that was going on, I thought, hey, I got Lightroom 4 on my hybrid laptop / tablet. I’ll get the jpg’s off the sd cards so I can make my deadline. Jpgs got uploaded fine but of the handful I selected to upload, I had to edit a few…crop, brightness…after the second image, the first one error-ed and showed different colored lines on the preview and resulting files. So I restarted (just in case) and re-imported but this time only added keywords, title and description. Submitted for import  hours past deadline….hmpfff!

Lessons Learnt:

1) Don’t smash your stuff
2) Keep your software up to date and registered on your backup system
3) The Canon 7D Mark ii is AWESOME!!!
4) Sandisk RescuePro Deluxe is not user friendly in terms of changing settings…here’s my other post about it
5) I’m so lucky to have what I have and do what I do

Will update what happens with the CF cards…

OK, since the CF cards were unreadable by any reader, camera and or PC I had no choice but to format it.
1) Only my camera was able to acknowledge the existence of a card, so I used that it format the cards.
2) I then used Sandisk’s RescuPro Deluxe (originally came with bundled with my card but was expired so I had to renew $30.) Here’s the link:
3) Had some settings issues with the software, you can read about it and the fix HERE. After that, all went well, almost all files were found, I think/hope. I even got some previously deleted files.

Now that I got the raw files, I imported them in using the last cf reader in the house. Still got corrupted images. I’ll put my experiences, thoughts, research on that in a different post.