Transcend Card Reader Firmware Update

Hey y’all if you’re suddenly having issues with your Transcend TS-RDF8 not reading CF cards but read SD Cards just fine, you may want to try updating the firmware. I just did and it worked. Here’s Transcends site to get the firmware update:

New firmware for Canon 7D mark II

Firmware 1.1.2 update for the Canon EOS 7D Mark II is up on the USA site. Here’s the link:

Canon firmware recall

If you own a Canon 7D Mark II, you’ll want to read about this to see if it’ll affect you. I haven’t been and don’t foresee I will be affected since I use a wireless router for my wireless shooting. You can read about my setup HERE.

To read up about the recall on Canon’s Europe site, its HERE.

Fuji, Sony, Nikon, Leica – Firmware Updates for Everyone | Fstoppers

Reblog from FStoppers for all non Canon camera users…

For one reason or another, this has been the week of all weeks for those anxiously awaiting firmware updates. While some are rather mild updates to fix various bugs (which is still important, granted), other updates like the one for Leica’s T camera boost things like autofocus speed twofold. Fresh updates! Come and get ’em!

Source: Fuji, Sony, Nikon, Leica – Firmware Updates for Everyone | Fstoppers