Adobe Capture CC

If you’re an artist on the go and do a lot of composite imagery, check out Adobe Capture CC on Android or Iphone. It looks like an awesome tool!

Watch the video

Visualize before you buy

Here’s an app from / that will let you preview artwork on your wall. All you need to do is print out a template and stick it on the wall you want your artwork to go. Then fire up the app, pick a work of art and aim your device at your template “target”. The app is available on Android and Apple stores. For more details on the app, here’s the link:


Astropad turns Ipad into graphics tablet

If you want to use you Ipad as you would a graphics tablet, then look for Astropad in the Apple App store. It’ll be twenty bucks or so. Astropad looks pretty awesome, and syncs to your Mac via USB or wifi. Watch the vid for more info: