Love the snub! Unstoppable at Dynasty of Heroes!

Dynasty of Heroes, Singapore. What an awesome event, my daughters really enjoyed it too!!! The only “negative” thing for me regarding the event  was that there weren’t any programs available for sale like the previous event, whats up with that?! Was really looking forward to getting one, Bummer!

Anyways, although I didn’t get to shoot backstage this time (I wasn’t able to rsvp in the 2 hour window they gave, I’m so mad at myself, sigh). Luckily, I still managed to rip a few shots.

Here’s my favorite, Prelude: after the intro for the fighters were done, there was the stare down pose segment…so Ben Askren and Agilan Thain faced each other but Angela Lee and Istela Nunes didn’t. Even after the ring girl tried to position them, twice. Eventually, Istela turned and posed and thats when I caught this shot…

My caption is: “Pfff! Whatev’s….”

Love the snub, champ!!!! UNSTOPPABLE !!!

Musta been something interestin goin on if Ben had to walk over to check it out too, lol.

I gotta say, shooting at iso 6400 on a Canon 7d2 kinda sucks. The noise, imo, is BAD, After post and resizing you can still get some ok shots, tho. I think with better stabilization, the results would be better. (I was shooting with a 100-400, hand held).

ONE FC Photos

Put up some photos on Flickr from the ONE FC media days I was fortunate enough to attend. Here’s the link:

Joseph Schooling and MMA

Here are some shots of Joseph Schooling, Singaporean Olympic swimmer getting a crash course in MMA at Evolve gym by ONE World Champ Angela Lee and her brother Christian Lee.

Full set HERE.


#josephSchooling, #mma, #ONEFC, #angelalee, #evolve