I like the bright yellow and teal color scheme and the general lack of stickers. The few stickers that are on are affixed pretty evenly. At least on my bot. Same goes for the paint job, I haven’t noticed any paint defects. The robot head and the dragon heads are on ball joints, as are the shoulders which also have a hinge allowing them to move up and down to accommodate arm/leg mode transformations. The mouths of the dragons are hinged so the can open and close. For the arms, there’s a bicep swivel as well as hinged elbows and wrists. The waist can be rotated but the head cannot. The hips are on ball joints and the knees are hinged. The knee hinges are important as they also function as the elbow joint in arm mode. There is a hole in the middle of his chest to mount the Prime Armor or you can plug it in on either shoulder. In monster mode, both necks are hinged and can move independently (up and down only). The tails, however, cannot. The front legs have hinge joints at the knees but the hind legs do not. There is a peg hole on its back for either the blaster or the Prime Armor. The thing I find most disturbing is that the joints are not uniformly tight. For example one arms bicep swivel is tighter than the other or one dragon leg is so loose that it won’t stay in place while the other is really tight. Maybe it’s my copy I don’t know but since I won’t be moving it around too much it’ll be ok. Also, it doesn’t take much force to pop a part off the ball joints but it’s easy to pop back in. For example, the Prime Armor piece transforms into the hand by flipping out the fingers and folding down the thumbs (the two pointy parts with the holes in it). It kind of looks stupid to me, having a hand with a thumb on the top and bottom, so I pulled off the bottom thumb. More of my ‘mods’ below.

Official Build:
Terrorcons | Merge into | Abominus |
Hun-gurrr | Transforms into | Torso |
Blot | Transforms into | Right Arm |
Rippersnapper | Transforms into | Left Arm |
Sinnertwin | Transforms into | Right Leg |
Cutthroat | Transforms into | Left Leg |
A year or so ago I caught a glimpse of Sky lynx in a gift shop within the Hong Kong Airport. I walked straight in and bought it and while waiting to board my flight I looked it over and I realized it was a combiner! Bonus! The only issue now is who to use for the limbs, since I wanted an all dino or monster theme. Couldn’t think of any at the time so I put it off for awhile. Many months later I saw a Terrorcon Combiner in a toy store in Singapore and bing, that was it. I recently acquired all 4 Terrorcons to complete my version of Abominus (I think I’ll have to rename my version, though). It was only after opening all the figures that I realized that Sky Lynx did not come with feet!!! So a few swear words later, I was back online looking for solutions since the feet are packaged with Hun-Gurrr (the torso). I had decided long ago not to get Hun-Gurrr because I’m not a big fan of pink robots, the monster mode looks weird to me and one 2 headed dragon/monster on the team is enough. What I found online was something called a Perfect Effect upgrade kit. They make a whole bunch of different kits for Combiners. Some are just hands and feet, others have weapons, chest plate add ons and limb widening add ons. Some of them look really awesome and I’m considering a couple of kits, however, they are quite pricey. While searching I also found some cheaper, different styled, different colored sets that were not from the Perfect Effect brand. I ordered the least expensive one I could find. It was a very pleasant surprise that both the hands and the feet can be transformed into weapons. The feet can transform into a really big double barreled blaster or separated into two blasters while the hands transform to something like a rifle. In foot mode, the tips of the barrels can be removed so that they don’t protrude from the back of the foot. I think the feet look better without the protruding barrels. The peg for the leg is on a swivel for better posing stability.
Pictured below are the Prime Armor and original feet attachments. The Prime Armor is a gimmick designed to induce more sales of toys, in my opinion. It’s an add on weapon/shield/engine part or whatever you make it out to be, and meant to accommodate a Prime Master. A Prime Master is a little figure that transforms into a ‘spark mode’ to fit into a compatible component, like the Prime Armor. This transformation is as easy as folding it in half to make it look like a cube. It is sold with an exo suit which just opens up to fit the Prime Master inside. This exo suit transforms into some kind of weapon (different Prime Masters have different exo suits). I included this info because some Combiner teams don’t have a large weapon for the merged figure so I got some of these Prime Masters to use in weapon mode.The foot attachment is from another figure that I wanted to show just as an example of roughly what some of the older hand/feet look like. The older ones are also dual purpose, they can be either hands or feet. The original one should look similar but have a Prime Master port, a swivel peg and cannot transform into a hand. Just make sure to look for a peg that sticks out from the top. That’s the peg that inserts into the leg.
Original Hand | Original Foot |
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The moral of this story is, if you’re like me and collect toys based on how much you like the toy, set, theme or whichever and whatever, then you’re probably going to mix and match. If you do, please make sure you are set on parts (usually missing feet) as mentioned above and that the figure you plan on using for the torso is actually capable of that third transformation. For example, just because the figure is from the Combiner Wars series doesn’t mean it is a Combiner. I made that mistake…now I have two Ultra Magnus’! Lucky he’s one of my favorite characters, so I don’t really mind. If you have older Combiners using the older feet (like the one picture above), you can use the hands for feet then the Prime Armors for hands, that way you don’t have to buy an upgrade kit.
In case you’re wondering what my version looks like here’s a preview (I left the extra thumb on the left hand so you can see the difference between pulling the bottom one off or not):

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All the photos (unless otherwise noted in the post) were taken by me and are available for sale. If you’re interested in buying an image or three, 😃 please don’t hesitate to contact me for more details. Thanks in advance!
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Thanks for viewing and best wishes!
PS. If you want to check out my other ‘works’, you can find them here: